‘In baptism, through water and the baptismal words, Christ himself cleanses our sinfulness and makes us members of his body, the church ‘
Parents have a central part in the rite of baptism. They present their children for baptism; they renew their own faith; they solemnly accept the responsibility of training their children in the Catholic Faith. Godparents have an important role in assisting parents in the religious upbringing of their children, particularly by good example. Parents attend a short course, reflecting on their faith to prepare them for their role.
Contact: Father Nathaniel Ewusi, CSSp
First Holy Communion
‘In the greatest sacrament, the sacrament of the Eucharist, the Mass, Christ does not just give us his gifts, he gives us himself’
First Holy Communion classes for Year 3 (aged 7 years) children and their parents start in the Autumn and run at 10am every Saturday, except school holidays, until May, (this year Sunday 21st May) when our children will receive their First Holy Communion at the 11.30am Mass.
Location: Parish Classroom
Catechists: Bridget Agyaebuna and Annet Nawanga
‘In Confirmation, the Bishop anoints us with holy oil, and Christ himself strengthens us and gives us the gifts of his Holy Spirit’
The Confirmation programme starts in the Autumn and continues weekly until the Parish Patronal Feastday of St Mary Magdalen, this year on Sunday 16th July at the 11.30 Mass, presided by Bishop Paul Hendricks. The course is for young people in Year 9 (aged 13 years)
Location: Priests’ House
Time: 12.00pm -1.30pm
Catechist: Bishop Philip Moger
‘In marriage, through their public promises of love, Christ binds together husband and wife in a life-long union’
Marriage preparation takes the form of a short series of weekly sessions which ready the participants for the vocation of marriage in which they help each other to advance in holiness and to cooperate in God’s plan of redemption by raising up children in the Catholic Faith.
Location : Priests’ House
Catechist: Father Nathaniel Ewusi, CSSp
RCIA – Journey in Faith
‘Conversion is a gradual process and a spiritual journey which should be marked, as in the early Church, by a series of liturgical rites’
The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) is the course for adult non-Christians and baptised non-Catholics who would like to be received into the Catholic Church or who want to know more about the Catholic faith. The course is available to all Christians, including practising Catholics, who want to gain a deeper understanding of their faith.
The weekly course starts in the autumn every year. The emphasis is on accompaniment and building relationship with Jesus Christ and his Church. The Rite of Initiation for new Catholics takes place each year at the Easter Vigil Mass.
Location: Currently on Zoom
Catechist: Moira Forrester
Children’s Liturgy
‘To help the children to hear the scriptures proclaimed, understand the scriptures through a dialogue reflection, and respond in prayer and song’.
All children from 3 to 4 years up to pre First Holy Communion
Location: Parish Classroom
Time : 10am Sunday Mass
Catechists: Simone Clear; Erica Ippo
Youth Ministry
“Young people speak to us and challenge us, they make us realise the lights and shadows of our community, and with their enthusiasm they encourage us to give responses in keeping with our times.”
“They are the fertile and new soil that God gives to Christian communities,” the Pope says. He reminds those engaged in youth ministry that they are entrusted with the task of accompanying young people with "respect and benevolence in the journey of their personal maturity so that they may be strengthened in faith and, with the grace of the Lord, bear fruits of love and hope". Pope Francis 20th Latin American Meeting of National Youth Pastoral Leaders 2019
Many of our young people are involved in Altar Serving and Reading Ministry. Saturday mornings they meet to prepare for Sunday and enjoy snacks and chilling out. All welcome.
Time: 11am Saturdays
Location: Church and Priests’ House
Lead Organiser: Anna Cioffi